NOTICE: New STG CFS Location in Columbus, Ohio Updates
Effective Monday, March 13, 2023 IPI loads departing our LA and NJ facilities with destination in Columbus, Ohio will be routed to our new location:
STG Logistics
1819 Feddern Avenue
Grove City, Ohio 43123
P: 614.449.2529
Firm’s code: HBR5
Our import window rates are listed below:
- Terminal in/out $22.00 per CBM/ 800 lbs., min $50.00 per HBL
- Import window facility fee $125 per HBL
- IT fee $60 per shipment
- Import Wage Fee $8 per HBL
- Fuel Surcharge $2.50 per CBM, min $15 per HBL
- Haz window fee (when applicable) $8 per CBM, min $35 per HBL
- Import pier congestion $7.50 per 1 CBM/800 LBS, min $25 per HBL
- Import storage:
o 4 free days
o Period 1 (Days 1 – 5): $10 per 1 CBM / 800 LBS, min $50 Minimum
o Period 2 (Day 6+): $20 per 1 CBM / 800 LBS, min $95 Minimum
Please contact your STG representative We appreciate your continued support.